At Zahra Day Nursery we believe that Children learn best through hands on play that interests them. We provide a safe and stimulating environment indoors and out. Children benefit from continuous provision, enabling children to choose if they would like to play indoors or outdoors moving freely as they wish. We provide ten areas of continuous provision these are: Sand, water, mark making, painting, workshop, construction, small world, role play, malleable and book corner. Children can enhance these areas choosing from a variety of quality resources, stored at the children’s height. We provide adult led activities planned by practitioners. These activities are planned to meet children’s interests and to help further their Learning and Development. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)curriculum. Children are observed on a daily basis by their key person. Observations and children’s planned activities are documented in their individual Learning Journey file. We love messy play, exploring outdoors and taking trips within our local community. We love to have fun as we learn because this helps us to remember it!